Your Voice. Your Presence. Your Power.

Own Your Value | Deliver Your Ideas | Shine Your Light | Leave a Lasting Legacy

Two women standing next to each other holding a cell phone.

Step into Confidence: Welcome to my corner

I’m Mo Caley-Verdonk. A coach, facilitator, speaker, and mindfulness meditation teacher, I help women find their find their legs, hit their stride, spread their wings, and discover their voice.

Establishing a safe space to open up and speak freely, requires an environment where women feel secure, respected, and free from judgment. This is what I do.

Curious about where your confidence might be hiding?

Have something you want to say? In your own words?

I can show you the path that leads to a strong voice, a proud stance and people who listen. Speak boldly, stand proudly and inspire others!

A trail in the woods with yellow leaves on it.

Ready to Bring Your Voice Back to Life?

It’s time to speak up and own the value of your words!

Be authentic in your expression; let your words reflect your true self.

Take a path of self-discovery and change, connect with others, find strength in your voice to bravely express your thoughts, ideas, and feelings.

I’m here, as your coach, ready to support your journey of exploring new horizons in personal and professional growth, adding depth and intrigue to your story…and the next chapters!

A woman with her chin resting on her hand.
A woman standing on top of a hill with her arms outstretched.

Welcoming Wholeness

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